Hellenic Ornithological Society
Focus: Community and Education.
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Project Description
The project aims at implementing conservation actions in Gialova lagoon a Natura 2000 site, in Greece. It includes monitoring of highly endangered species of reptiles, bird counts, public awareness and visitor access management.
The general goal of HOS is to promote conservation of wild bird fauna of Greece. This is done by monitoring Important Bird Areas, applying conservation projects, playing an advocacy and policy role, promoting public awareness, involving volunteers.
Volunteer Information
Costs & Benefits
Contact information
Project Summary
Volunteers will be involved in all aspects of conservation including:
Monitoring and protection of nests
Public awareness
Maintenance and infrastructure work
Guided tours
Bird monitoring
Data entering
60 EUR for Tents in organised campsites
Volunteers aged between 20 and 40 years old, older if fit. Background in biology, zoology, environmental studies or previous experience is preferred. Students for research are welcome.
Hellenic Ornithological Society
Themistokleous 80, GR-10681, Athens, Greece
Tel: ++302108228704
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: www.ornithologiki.gr
Location:Athens, Greece
Average cost per day: 10 Euros
Focus: Conservation
Skills needed: Volunteers must be at least 20 years old, previous experience is preferred.